Blackbeard and his pirates sack the island of Martinique, forcing the governor to walk the plank and making a prisoner of his wife.
Starring Sydney Ayres and Hobart Bosworth · Directed by Francis Boggs
A posse forms to track down a band of cattle rustlers after a rancher offers $500 reward for their capture.
Directed by Francis Boggs
Tom and Vicky’s plan to elope is complicated by a pair of robbers after $5,000.
Starring Tom Mix and Victoria Forde · Directed by Tom Mix
The foundry boss brings in a labor consultant and his daughter aids the workers after they go on strike.
Starring Kathlyn Williams, T.J. Commerford, and Charles Clary · Directed by Oscar Eagle
Jack Parker battles a Mexican bandito while pining for Texas Ryan, the rancher’s daughter.
Starring Tom Mix, George Fawcett, and Bessie Eyton · Directed by E.A. Martin
Tom and Sally are taken prisoner by hostile Indians on their way to the gold fields of California and are aided in their escape by the chief’s sister.
Starring Tom Mix, Bessie Eyton, and Red Wing · Directed by Colin Campbell
A man and a woman are captured by a mad scientist and kept like caged animals in his personal zoo in the jungle.
Starring Hedda Nova and Richard Sterling · Directed by Bertram Bracken
Bill may have taken a photo of his boss in a compromising situation with the stenographer, and his boss will do whatever it takes to prevent that photo from reaching his wife.
Starring Sidney Smith · Directed by Norval MacGregor
Sagebrush Tom becomes the butt of a movie company’s joke when his favorite actress comes to shoot a western at his ranch.
Starring Tom Mix, Goldie Colwell, and Ed Brady · Directed by Tom Mix
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