Blackbeard and his pirates sack the island of Martinique, forcing the governor to walk the plank and making a prisoner of his wife. Starring Sydney Ayres and Hobart Bosworth · Directed by Francis Boggs |
A policeman goes undercover as a woman to catch a pickpocket, but when his wife finds an unfamiliar dress in the closet, she comes to a different conclusion. Starring Fraunie Fraunholz and Marian Swayne · Directed by Alice Guy-Blaché |
Poor Jaime goes to sea to earn enough money to marry Jenny, where he is believed to be lost. Left to support her parents, Jenny is persuaded to marry old Robin Gray. Starring Florence Turner and William Shea · Directed by Laurence Trimble |
Captain Bob White disguises himself as a woman, vamps his way into the German High Command, and seduces the Kaiser himself into revealing Germany’s war plans. Starring Bothwell Browne and Ford Sterling · Directed by Richard Jones |
Robert feigns illness to see a nurse he has fallen in love with. Starring Sidney Drew and Jane Morrow · Directed by Sidney Drew |
Pedro, jealous of Alonzo, joins the Spanish Inquisition to get rid of his rival. Starring Darwin Karr · Directed by Alice Guy-Blaché |
Orphan Oliver Twist becomes an unwilling member of Fagin’s band of thieves. Starring Elita Proctor Otis · Directed by J. Stuart Blackton |
When war is declared between the United States and Europe, Lieutenant Wentworth accepts a hazardous air-scout commission. Starring Earle Williams and Edith Storey · Directed by William Humphrey |
A dog unites a man and a woman at the beach and reunites them when they grow jealous of the picture in each other’s locket. Starring Leo Delaney and Florence Turner · Directed by Laurence Trimble |
A horse-drawn streetcar magnate could lose his franchise to Jitney Jim’s motorbus. Starring Paul Parrott and Jobyna Ralston · Directed by Jay A. Howe |