A western girl stands to inherit a fortune if she agrees to marry a refined eastern gentleman, but she and her brother have other ideas.

Starring Ora Carew and Joseph “Baldy” Belmont · Directed by Walter Wright

Georgie’s ex-convict father is suspected of stealing a valuable stack of bonds from the Grants.

Starring Georgie Stone, Charles Gorman, and Carmen DeRue · Directed by Chester M. Franklin and Sidney A. Franklin

Dr. Jekyll’s experiments to split man’s good and evil sides leads to the creation of Mr. Hyde and his own downfall.

Starring James Cruze · Directed by Lucius Henderson

Dr. Jekyll’s attempt to separate man’s good and evil sides transforms him into the murderous Mr. Hyde.

Starring Sheldon Lewis · Directed by J. Charles Haydon

Good Dr. Jekyll seals his fate when his experiments unleash the evil within him.

Starring King Baggot · Directed by Herbert Brenon

Henri and Pierre, railroad engineers, are both in love with Jeanne. When Pierre refuses to give her up, a fight breaks out in the engine, imperiling everyone aboard the train.

Starring Joë Hamman and Gaston Modot · Directed by Jean Durand

Down and out Larry and Madge take to the rooftops to escape from their creditors.

Starring Larry Semon and Madge Kirby · Directed by Lawrence Semon

Geoffrey’s relationship with his fiancée is threatened by Ameuset, a princess of Egypt awakened after five thousand years.

Starring Antonio Moreno and Edith Storey · Directed by George D. Baker

An antiquarian is willing to pay handsomely for a mummy and so Dick bribes a filthy old bum into pretending to be one.

Starring Billy Quirk · Directed by Lee Beggs

A short actuality from 1901 showing the passage of the Empire State Express train.

Directed by Frederick S. Armitage