While out prospecting, Jim rescues a man dying of thirst and takes him back to his cabin, but Jim soon discovers that the stranger is out to steal his gold and his sweetheart.

Starring Carlyle Blackwell, Alice Joyce, and William H. West

Larry must try to make it through the night while evading his landlady, the police, criminals, and perhaps even malevolent spirits.

Starring Larry Semon, Dorothy Dwan, and G. Howe Black · Directed by Fred C. Newmeyer

When Jack and Rose fall in love, Blaney tries to put him out of the way by killing Jack’s adoptive mother and framing Jack for the crime.

Starring Cullen Landis and Alice Calhoun · Directed by David Smith

Pedro, jealous of Alonzo, joins the Spanish Inquisition to get rid of his rival.

Starring Darwin Karr · Directed by Alice Guy-Blaché

A husband and wife decide to polish themselves up and see if they can still attract attention. Little do they know, they have chosen the same resort hotel for their hunting ground.

Starring John Bunny and Flora Finch · Directed by George D. Baker

Lucy leaves her small Indiana town to find employment in New York City where her naïveté may lead her to a life of prostitution.

Queen Elizabeth tries to prevent her lover’s death as predicted by a psychic, but Nottingham conspires to ensure that the future plays out as foretold.

Starring Sarah Bernhardt, Lou Tellegen, and Maxudian · Directed by Henri Desfontaines and Louis Mercanton

The Christians become Nero’s scapegoat for the Great Fire of Rome.

Starring Amleto Novelli, Gustavo Serena, and Lea Giunchi · Directed by Enrico Guazzoni

Raffles, a gentleman thief, pulls off daring robberies while narrowly avoiding capture.

Starring John Barrymore · Directed by George Irving

Two Pennsylvania Railroad locomotives meet in a head-on collision in this 1904 short.

Directed by Edwin S. Porter